Have plans to tweak something about your teeth? Prior to getting started, it’s key that you do something much less exciting than your smile makeover, but incredibly important: research. By getting prepared for the entire process, you’ll be satisfied with both the procedure and the ultimate results.
Some people consider cosmetic dentistry unnecessary. But it does so much more than just change your appearance. Transform your smile, transform your life: everything from confidence to professional performance to moment-to-moment happiness.Because cosmetic dentistry is an elective treatment, you can make sure that it proceeds the way you want it to, and ends up getting you to the happiest possible place. With some education and aid, you’ll be able to choose treatments that mesh with both your smile’s aesthetics and your personal preferences. And once your new smile is in place, you can engage in preventive maintenance to keep it looking fresh. You’ll enjoy a smile that you really love, and that really lasts.
There’s one way to know what cosmetic treatment will do for you: trying it for yourself.
Cosmetic Dentistry that Elevates Your Smile
Your teeth are unique. We want to keep them that way. Your personal smile speaks to your individuality, and that should never be hidden. A talented cosmetic dentist is able to perfect your grin without taking away any of the personality within. Drs. John and Olinga Hargreaves will identify the adjustments that will make your smile into one you adore, but keep it special. This also prevents dental work from appearing false or unnatural.
Before treatment, you need to take time to ponder what you would like to change. Smile in the mirror, and spend time with your teeth. Pinpoint aspects that you want to enhance, and others that you’d like to mask. The best treatment both emphasizes dental strengths, and hides imperfections. The final result is as dramatic as you would like it to be – without turning you into a different person. While those around you will notice that something has changed, they won’t immediately label it as dental work.
A Smile Makeover that Lasts
While we want our dental work to last for life, every treatment has an expiration date. Some restorations and treatments persist longer than others do, but most will need eventual retouching or replacement. Along the way, you can take a few precautions to keep your new smile looking amazing – for as long as possible.
- Great oral hygiene – Sure, excellent brushing/flossing keeps your teeth healthy, but it also keeps it bright. When you clean your teeth, you remove plaque and stains from your enamel, preventing buildup and darkening. Maintaining cavity-free teeth also gives your dental work a better chance of lasting for decades.
- Regular exams – You should visit Cherry Creek Dentistry every six months for a routine exam. This gives your dentist adequate time to recognize signs of potential disease or wavering dental work. Always be looking out for growing problems to strike them down before they consume your smile.
- Healthy diet – A balanced, nutritious diet will help preserve a healthy and beautiful smile.
- Home treatment – Certain treatments can be touched up at home. If you received teeth whitening, you can use a home whitening kit to boost your grin’s luster. We’ll provide you with the tools and advice you need to whiten confidently.
Denver Cosmetic Treatment That Even Anxious Patients Love
If you’re anxious about entering the dentist’s office, you don’t have to avoid cosmetic treatment entirely. We offer less invasive options for nervous patients looking to transform their smiles. Procedures like dental bonding and teeth whitening allow you to make even dramatic changes to your teeth without undergoing tooth reduction (and shots of anesthesia).
We hope to help you achieve the smile you’ve imagined, without undergoing treatment that makes you uncomfortable. It’s possible for everyone. To get started with your own makeover, get in touch.