Denver Dentist Offers Youthful Skin Without Surgery

We all want youthful skin. Cherry Creek Dentistry can help!


Denver Facial Aesthetics, Denver Botox, Denver Dermal FillersAging skin can sag and form lines, making us less than thrilled when we look in the mirror. While not everyone wants to turn back time, many people hope to erase a line here or there. This level of subtle facial enhancement is possible without invasive procedures. Our Denver dentist offers cosmetic injections to ease facial lines without dramatically changing your looks, and without painful surgical treatment. Botox and dermal fillers will tighten and hydrate your skin in a way that makes you happy with both the results and the process.


Botox from Cherry Creek Dentistry Is Quick, Comfortable, and Predictable

Botox calms muscles in the forehead to prevent contractions. This, in turn, allows the skin commonly pulled by those muscles to heal. The wrinkles caused by those contractions ease out of your face, and you experience a refreshed forehead.

A skilled dentist will administer Botox in a completely predictable way; that is, the results will be known before Botox is injected. You and your dentist will be able to plan exactly what the results should be like. And with a treatment time of less than a half-hour, without recovery downtime, Botox injections are a highly appealing way to relax a few facial lines.


Dermal Fillers Round Cheeks and Rejuvenate Skin

Dermal fillers rehydrate skin that is lacking hyaluronan, a naturally occurring substance that creates volume in your cheeks. By replacing missing hyaluronan, dermal fillers recreate that volume and repair sagging cheeks, lines around the mouth and nose, and other wrinkles on the lower face.

There are a variety of dermal fillers for different areas of the face and different applications. Our Denver dentist will select the filler that is appropriate for your needs. Fine lines to deep lines can be resolved with dermal fillers – there’s a high chance they could correct a wrinkle that has been bothering you.

If you’re interested in enhancing your face without making drastic changes, consider cosmetic injections with Cherry Creek Dentistry. You will be overjoyed with the results, but still, look like yourself.


Denver Botox | Denver Botox Cosmetic | Denver Dermal Fillers | Denver Youthful Skin
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