5 Ways Oral Surgery Could Better Your Life

Denver oral surgery

The concept of oral surgery tends to make patients anxious. The thought of a surgical procedure taking place inside the mouth can be intimidating (especially for patients fearful of dental treatment). But although surgical measures may seem drastic, it is their invasive nature that makes them both effective and indispensable. Undergoing oral surgery could bring big changes to your health, smile, and entire life.

What Is Oral Surgery?

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a specialty within the field of dentistry. It addresses problems within the mouth (with both hard and soft tissues), and many issues that affect the neck, jaw, and sinuses. Oral surgery alters the tissues in the mouth and across the face to effect positive changes. Some of its most common procedures include the placement of dental implants, correction of gum tissue (especially after periodontal disease), dental extractions, and jaw-related problems stemming from TMJ disorders.

If your dentist recommends a surgical procedure, you’ll typically need to be referred to a specialist. At Cherry Creek Dentistry, Drs. John and Olinga Hargreaves possess the skills and expertise to provide comprehensive treatment. They are able to diagnose and treat complex problems, including wisdom teeth extractions. You won’t have to worry about getting comfortable and communicating with a new provider – you will receive the full course of care within our office.

How Denver Oral Surgery Could Change Your Life

Denver oral surgeon

Hearing that any treatment could “change your life” may make you wary of the real results. Is the procedure too good to be true? With oral surgery, there’s no doubt that you will benefit (and potentially in more than one way). If your dentist recommends oral surgery as a course of action, pursuing treatment will bring about improvements. Some of the most impressive possibilities behind surgical treatment include:

  • Improved oral health – Brushing, flossing, and dental exams aren’t always enough to build stellar oral health. If you’ve seen past dental problems (especially periodontal disease), your mouth could need some help recovering. Removing overgrown or diseased tissue will help improve your periodontal health. If a tooth has become infected after progressive decay, a tooth extraction and a dental implant will remove the diseased tooth and create a healthy replacement.
  • Transformed smile – Cosmetic dentistry isn’t sufficient for every patient’s needs. If the problem is more advanced, oral surgery will craft a new smile. Those with gums that smother their smile find happiness with gummy smile treatment. Patients missing teeth are thrilled with the placement of dental implants. Surgical procedures target specific aesthetic needs to create your ideal smile.
  • Boosted confidence – When  your smile isn’t what you’d like it to be, you don’t feel completely at peace with your appearance. Building a smile that you’re proud to show off will help you seize the positive, confident outlook that you’ve been seeking.
  • Relief from pain – Patients in need of oral surgery have often been dealing with pain for some time. Whether they have an impacted wisdom tooth or a TMJ disorder, these patients find that surgery offers a welcome release from daily discomfort.
  • Prevention of serious problems – Surgery can prevent problems that are just beginning to brew, before they cause any kind of damage. Especially helpful for patients with problem teeth that have not yet erupted, getting surgery as a preventive measure is the best way to avoid future pain and dental disruption.

Do I Need Oral Surgery?

If your mouth or your jaws are in need of surgery, your dentist will let you know. We’ll then be able to form a treatment plan that will result in the healthiest, happiest mouth possible.

Denver Oral Surgery | Denver Tooth Extraction | Denver Gum Surgery
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